Clementina behind the bar

About Los Pinos

We've been so fortunate that our family restaurant has been an active part of the Orting community since March of 2000. Clementina Perez, owner of Los Pinos Family Mexican Restaurant, along with relatives & friends from throughout the area, looks forward to serving you soon.

Ask any local about Los Pinos, and you're sure to get the same response every time...with a different menu item as its focus. Everybody agrees on the two types of homemade salsa and Pico de Gallo as a treasured part of the community, but local favorites span from the regionally famous Tortilla Soup, to Chimichanga del Mar, Carne Asada, or the simple perfection that comes out in an incredible enchilada.

Everything stems from, as Clementina says it, "Tasty recipes from our beloved Mexico."

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